Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Skinny Bitch!

....okay maybe not quite, BUT I'M GETTING THERE!!! Today was "weigh day" for me. . . ~insert drum roll here~ . . . I've lost 20lbs in 15 weeks!! Now I know this might not seem like a lot, but if you know me I gain weight by just LOOKING at food. It's also VERY hard for me to get the weight off, even with exercise. . . So I'm VERY happy! =)

I started some new meds at the end of August and they usually help most people kick start weight loss and I was really worried that it would be all meds and no me. However it's come of very slow since I've started them so I don't think it's all that...which is a big relief because now I know if/when I stop the meds I can continue loosing it.

When I first got really serious about losing I said I wouldn't buy myself any new clothes until I lost half the weight (I'm only at about 1/3), but I really think I need some new jeans. . . so if any of you know of places with jeans on sell let me know!

Sorry for the shameless brag - I just couldn't help myself!!!


mp said...

congrats!! you deserve to go out there and buy yourself a new pair of jeans and a shirt!!

you go girl, keep up the good work!

Erica said...

CONGRATS!! I am so PROUD of you!! I know it is hard work so let me know if you ever need me to push your butt if you start to slack!! HAHA!