Saturday, January 31, 2009

Funny Kid Part 2.

So James and I are probably the only ones that think Jeramyah is this funny but oh well.... I have to share.

Last night we are driving home from dinner and we put J's kids CD on to play. The song 10 little monkeys (there are 10 little monkeys in bed and the little one said "Roll over" so they all roll over and one falls out and the little one says) is playing. Well this version has monkey commentary. After 5 or 6 monkeys fall out one of them say "This is getting ridiculous". J sighs very seriously and says "This is diculous!" We got a good laugh out of it!

Just now Jeramyah wanted to watch a movie. I know for a fact we let him watch too many shows so I've started limiting it. I had to work today so daddy let him watch double the amount of movies we usually do. I told J **"If you watch too many movies you'll be a DerDer DerDer like Daddy."
James asks J if he thinks he's a DerDer DerDer. J ignores him and says "Momma movie" I say no. J looks at James and says "DerDer DerDer movie please." LOLOL James was laughing until he was in tears. J thought it was pretty funny too! =) I can't wait until we have 2 of these smart asses running will be GREAT! =)

** That is not as mean as it sounds. My husband and I are always giving each other a hard time. This is how we show our love; really. Okay, so it might be mean but we are mean to each other but mean with love lol.


tadsmama said...

how cute! kids can be so funny!

mp said...

too funny! adam and i are the same way. we give eachother a really hard time but know that we are both kidding and that we couldn't live without eachother.